Data Scope

CircHOB extracts relevant data from existing data sources managed by different groups and agencies in different countries, including:

  • National population registries, censuses and intercensal estimates
  • Vital statistics
  • Mortality/morbidity/health care utilization databases
  • National/regional health surveys
  • Statistical reports

CircHOB does NOT involve access to individual-level health records nor do any such records cross national borders. It involves the preparation of tables of aggregate data only. Most data are available from websites of national statistical agencies, health ministries, etc. Many but not all sites are available in English and language proficiency in all circumpolar languages [eg. Russian, Finnish, Icelandic] is essential. Some data require special tabulations produced by host agencies.

The following list contains the type of information currently collected. This list is under revision and will be expanded in the future.

  • Population: Size, age-sex distribution, density, urban areas, indigenous peoples
  • Fertility: crud birth rate, total fertility rate, distribution of livebirths by mothers’ age
  • Mortality: crude death rate, age-sex-specific mortality rates, life expectancy at birth, infant mortality rate, age-standardized mortality rates by cause
  • Reproductive Outcomes: perinatal mortality rate, distribution of livebirths by birthweight and gestational age
  • Disease Incidence: incidence of cancer by site, incidence of tuberculosis, hepatitis A and B, sexually transmitted diseases (HIV/AIDS, chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis)
  • Socioeconomic Conditions: Gross Domestic Product, education, employment, income
  • Health-Related Behaviours: smoking, physical activity, diet

Data capture for 2000-2004, single years and 5-year period has been completed; 2005-2009 update is underway.

Data on health-related behaviours, attitudes, and practices currently available from health surveys done in various circumpolar countries and regions are not directly comparable, due to differences in the construction of variables, sampling techniques, and contextual meanings of underlying concepts. Substantial international comparative research is needed before such data can be presented.